My first week! - Reisverslag uit Nyeri, Kenia van Siobhan Spruijt - My first week! - Reisverslag uit Nyeri, Kenia van Siobhan Spruijt -

My first week!

Door: webmaster

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Siobhan

12 Juli 2010 | Kenia, Nyeri

Hi everybody,

Ik heb de vraag vanuit schotland gekregen om in het engels te schrijven zodat zij ook mijn verhalen kunnen volgen dus bij deze! ik hoop dat de nederlanders onder ons het ook kunnen volgen haha!

My first week has passed here in Kenya, and i have did a lot!
I have been to the school near the new (they are still building)Upendo children\s centre. The kids are now going to another school, but if they move over to the their new home that they will be their school. It was a big one with a lot of children. A volunteer has started a project there to renovate the whole building. It was interesting to see how kids get school here and how they learn. It is almost the same in the netherlands, but here the kids get more discipline and there's no room for interaction for the kids. The just have to listen to the teacher and that is it. There was a special classroom vfor children with learning disabilities or handicaps. IT was very special to see that they get individual lessons from the teacher, cause this group really need that! De teacher also is trying to motivate parents of children with handicaps to send them to school, cause a lot of parents are ashamed en then they keep them at home! that's really sad!

This weekend was really good! The sun was shining and it was getting warmer. (today is a bit cloudy again, cause its winter up here) The kids were free from school, so there was a lot of time to play. Saturday there were here at the family of jackson, the manager. It was really nice to hear them laugh, than this work is so rewarding! There is a little boy, called ajub and i really feel a connection with him and he with me, caus he is always looking for me haha so funny! But yesterday i have heard is background story and its terrible. His mum has dumped him in a toilet and just left him to die. Some people heard him crying and saved him. Then he has spend his first year of his life in a hospital on the nursery! So he never came outside, in such a warm place! then Jackson van Upendo heard of him and took him away from the hospital. De mother is now in jail for what she did to Ajub.. but its really breaking your heart if you hear such stories!

Yesterday were the finals of netherlands against spain! We went to a public pub with jackson and his family! The all supported the netherlands but they diddn't win. But it was a really good laugh haha!

I will try to place some pictures, but otherwise i will place them another time!

Lots of love,

  • 12 Juli 2010 - 08:01


    Re. Photo Classroom.
    Looks like a classroom out of the 1930's or 1940's in Holland :-), and taken from the story the teaching-methods are out of that period as well... at least they're gettin education which will help them along.

    Winter, I hope you've brought enough warm clothes with you... here's sending you some warmth from H'Laken .... pfhhhh ...


  • 12 Juli 2010 - 08:19


    Hee mop!!

    Wat een verhalen weer!! Ben blij te horen dat je het zo goed naar je zin hebt daar!! Zal best pittig zijn om te horen hoe de kinderen daar allemaal terecht zijn gekomen,,, maar wel heel fijn om ze dan een warm hart te kunnen bieden toch...

    Super gaaf dat je daar ook voetbal hebt kunnen kijken! Wij hebben het hier ook gezien,,,maar t mocht weer eens niet zo zijn he,,,, die rot scheids,,, hahaha al het oranje kan dus weer weg...

    Nou meid, ik wacht weer op je volgende verhalen:)

    Dikke kus!!

  • 21 Juli 2010 - 19:07



    Wat een verhaal joh!! Mooie, maar ook heftige verhalen hoor je dan zeg:( jeetje... maar wat een prachtig werk doe je joh! Ben zo trots op je!!
    Leuk dat dat jochie zo gek op je is:) je bent ook n toppertje!

    Liefss Wenn

  • 26 Juli 2010 - 10:41

    Floor :

    Hoi Siobhan.

    Je kent me niet, maar ik ben een oud-vrijwilliger van Upendo. Met behulp van ingezameld sponsorgeld heb ik het lokaal voor de 'Special Kids' opgeknapt. Het doet me dus erg goed om te zien dat het lokaal nu daadwerkelijk gebruikt wordt! Echt te gek!
    Ik hoop dat je net zo'n te gekke tijd hebt als ik heb gehad. Doe iedereen veel groetjes!!

    Groetjes, floor hoorens

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Verslag uit: Kenia, Nyeri

Mijn eerste reis

Upendo children's centre

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Actief sinds 05 Dec. 2009
Verslag gelezen: 292
Totaal aantal bezoekers 21302

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05 Juli 2010 - 06 Augustus 2010

Mijn eerste reis

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